Are you a smoker, but you have the desire to quit?
Is being able to gain weight the reason that keeps you from becoming smoke-free?
Most smokers face this problem because quitting smoking can generate weight gain.
Because smoking acts as an appetite suppressant, it speeds up the metabolism, which helps the calories burn much faster. When you quit, the metabolism rate slows down.
After quitting smoking, you regain a sense of taste and smell, which is why all food tastes better.
The cravings will also be a problem after quitting smoking, so you can have the intention to eat to get distracted from them.
During smoking, the brain makes various associations, and “hand-to-mouth” is one of them. When you quit smoking, the action remains and can make you want to have snacks.
Since most people focus on the problem itself and not the solutions, I thought I would suggest a few tips to lose weight quickly after quitting smoking.
The steps are easy to follow and will help you maintain a stable weight and be in great shape.

When you quit smoking, your mind needs to resonate with the decision made and with the steps you need to take. You can keep and train a great MINDSET by using daily positive affirmations to reaffirm your determination to achieve your goal and transform your attitudes, perceptions, and expectations.
- I am stronger than any excuse.
- I am open to positive changes in my life.
- I make healthy choices for my body.
- I am ready to be healthy and attractive.
- I respect and have love for myself and my body.
- I am in control of my life.
- I am achieving my goals, and nothing can stop me.
- I am creating a body that I desire.
- I love to eat healthy food.
- I am losing weight each day.
- I enjoy exercise. It makes me love my body.
These are just a few positive affirmations you can use daily to strengthen your motivation to achieve your weight goal.
Weight loss does not begin in the gym with a dumbbell; it starts in your head with a decision. – Toni Sorenson –

Increasing the amount of water is the best way to lose weight fast. Drinking a minimum of 2 liters per day will flush your toxins from your body, keep you hydrated, and suppress your appetite. So, drink a full glass of water before every meal.
If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.
– Loren Eiseley –

Exercise to boost your metabolism and nurture your spirit, release the tensions, stress, and frustrations from smoking cravings, and especially burn calories.
As I said, smoking burns calories, but when you quit smoking, your heart rate slows down, as well as your metabolism, which can lead to weight gain.
Try to implement regular physical movement at least three times per week. You can start using stairs, taking long walks, gardening, or doing housework.
If you are a dance lover (as I am), I recommend you put on your favorite music and dance in your way so nobody can see you.
Believe me, if you do it a few times per week, half an hour, using body rolls and ample movements of the hands and feet, you will burn more calories than you can imagine, especially in an enjoyable way.
I also recommend swimming, cycling or a static bike, Yoga, Pilates, and Tai Chi, which improves body balance. They uplift your mood, help eliminate stress, and strengthen your body.
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Be creative, and I am sure you can find various activities that will help you to minimize weight gain. It is essential to be committed to implementing regular exercise in your lifestyle.

Emotional eating can be automatic, so control your emotions and eat just when relaxed.
It is essential to remove all distractions to stay focused on eating the right amount of food. Less food on your plate means less on your waist.
Be Mindful, extract the full richness out of it, use all your senses, and savor every bite by chewing slowly and in small pieces.
The fact that you will be present and receptive to all senses, sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell, will help you slow down the eating style and even start to explore the experience differently than usual.
Mindful eating replaces Self-criticism with Self-nurturing. It gives rise to all kinds of sensory experiences and sensations.

In addition to all the previous steps, nutrition plays a vital role in controlling weight after quitting smoking.
With my good friend and collaborator, Sheldon Sims, a Health Coach, we recommend a diet plan to help you balance your calories.
As I said from the beginning, you must have an open mind to resonate with your attitude towards food.
We offer you a variety of food products, divided into the three main meals of the day, which you can combine as you wish.
– Greek yogurt (diet-friendly), kéfir;
– cereals;
– eggs (low in calories, which boosts the metabolism). The egg yolk contains most nutrients, and egg white is an almost pure protein that perfectly balances all amino acids.
– vegan cheese (low in fat and calories): Parmesan, mozzarella, cheddar, and Swiss cheese;
– vegan milk low in sugar: almond, soy, rice, cashew, coconut, and Sheldon’s favorite, hemp milk, which can be an alternative to cow’s milk. It has a nutty flavor and creamy consistency and does not cause mind-altering effects.
– if you like a bit of sweetness, Sheldon recommends using brown rice syrup.
He also recommends for you a protein shake:
– 3 Tbsp hemp protein powder or hemp seeds
– 1 Tbsp wheatgrass powder
– 1/2 Tsp cinnamon
– 1 Tsp Maca powder (Peruvian ginseng); it is not recommended for thyroid problems.
– 2 bananas or 1 cup of blueberries
– 3 cups alkaline water
Blend for 1 minute.
I recommend you also my smoothie, which balances digestion and activates the metabolism:
– 2 bananas (I add, depending on the season, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, or watermelon)
– fresh spinach leaves
– 1 Tbsp chia seeds
– 1/2 Tsp cinnamon
– 1/4 glass of coconut milk (it can be replaced with any vegan milk)
– 1 raw carrot
– 1 Tbsp spirulina powder
– fresh orange
Blend for 1 minute.
– being vegan for 35 years, organic beans are one of Sheldon’s staples.
– the salad must have a minimum of four colors of raw vegetables, with vegan dressing (oil/vinegar);
– you can use guacamole or organic salsa to add to a salad;
– use vegetable proteins such as edamame (soybeans) and Wakame seaweed salad.
For those who are meat consumers, it is recommended to use lean meat (low in fat), which will help convert protein into muscle and not fat, as well as fish.
As for meat, I recommend rabbit (which I love to prepare with olives), chicken breast, grass-fed beef (it is lower in fat and calories compared with grain-fed beef), and turkey; and as for fish, I suggest salmon and canned tuna.
We recommend a light dinner, preferably before 7 pm. You can combine:
– tofu (bean curd), tempeh (Indonesian soy product), seitán (wheat gluten);
– vegetables (sautéed, steamed, stir-fried, or raw);
– brown rice, quinoa, chia, millet, oats;
– yam (sweet potato).
After the meals, we recommend you drink one cup of the listed teas without sweetening it (or sweetened with raw honey): mint tea, green tea, black tea (not at night), and dandelion tea.

Due to the short but frequent cravings for smoking, your appetite to eat will increase considerably.
So we recommend you to have healthy snacks: walnuts, raw carrots, celery sticks, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, fresh fruits (bananas, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, apples, lemons, etc.), low-fat yogurt, multigrain organic chips.
As I always say, love yourself and do not be harsh. Take full responsibility for yourself and your actions, but be gentle.
- your clothes do not fit
- your skin has lost its radiance
- you do not have enough energy
- you are regretting how much you ate
- you wish to work out
- you wanted to change
It is essential to understand that due to fluid balance or hormonal changes, your weight can fluctuate daily, and this cannot reflect fat loss or gain.
You can weigh yourself frequently, like this, you can be sure that you keep your weight under control.
These tips can be used as well whenever you want to lose weight, or you can implement them in your daily life to maintain your body weight in balance.
My dears, I provide below a video, which, together with my collaborator Hunyadi Sebastian Antonio, we designed to be listened to at night. The video contains powerful positive statements that your subconscious mind will absorb while you sleep, enabling you to achieve your ideal weight.
Be safe, make wise and healthy decisions, and spread the information with love for those in need.
Till next time…
Shape Your Body!
Founder of Dare & Be.
Contact: support@dareandbe.com

Hi there! I definitely like your website because you only post valid information. As you know what we need, and you just give it to us. I’m not really fat nor do I weigh much but my little sister feels down every time someone calls her fat because she weighs a lot. I’ll send this article to her, so she can start working on it and improve her self-esteem. Keep doing the great work.
Hi Sophie,
It is a pleasure to see you back here. That means you really enjoy reading my articles, and that can only make me very happy.
As I specified at the end of the article, these steps that I have presented, can be applied not only strictly for smoking cessation, but can be implemented in the daily life of any person who wants to keep their weight under control.
I appreciate that you recommend this article to your sister, just keep me update with her evolution.
I am not a smoker, and I have no plans to become one. But I have learnt something of great importance and benefits from reading this article. I have friends who smoke and also friends who have stopped smoking, and I think sharing this article with them won’t be bad idea, so they can get to learn a few things about the life after quitting smoking.
Hi Kelvin,
Thank you for stopping by. I am glad that you are not a smoker, and you have the intention to stay like that. I appreciate that you found my article useful for your friends, and I also recommend that you check out the series of articles related to the smoking cessation process. You also want to help your smoking friends, right? ☺
Hello there,
Drinking lots of water is one of the most profound ways of weight loss. Hydration is key to weight loss success because it keeps your metabolism regulated and your body functioning at its prime. It’s especially crucial to re-hydrate your body every morning after a good night rest, so you can replenish the water you’ve lost while asleep, and jumpstart your digestion for the rest of the day. Thanks for sharing. Hope it helps others.
Hi Feji,
I totally agree! Good hydration is the most important step that everyone should take. Not out for loosing weight, but also for proper functioning of the organs.
Your weight is a balancing act, and calories are part of that equation.Weight loss comes down to burning more calories than you take in. You can do that by reducing extra calories from food and beverages, and increasing calories burned through physical activity.
I have been doing it for some time now and i have really gotten positive results,another way is by hydration,this system has proven to be the best among many…thanks for sharing.
Hello Sophia,
Welcome back. Thank you for your comment, and I am glad that you found the balance in your nutrition. Keep doing that.
Great article, I actually enjoyed reading through every word of it!
As I’ve really been thinking about my weight lately, it was rather fortuitous to have found your post!
I love all your suggestions, especially about eating healthy, despite the fact that I am not vegan (LOL)!
Your article encouraged me to be mindful about my food choices and the amount of food that I eat…it’s so easy to fit in the snacking being as we are in the USA under stay-at-home orders…
So thank you keep up the good work!
Hi Christie,
I am grateful for your appreciation. If my article motivates you to take action to reconsider some of your habits, it is more than delightful for me. That means my work is not in vain. Thank you.
Thanks for this article and the tips you provide. While I have never been a smoker, I am well aware of how hard it can be to stop and the negative after effects it can have on the body. I agree that a lot of it starts in the mind. That is where the healthy decisions you highlight are made. It is also interesting that these are great habits to get into for losing weight regardless of whether someone is a smoker or not. Thanks for the recipes. They look especially delicious and I might just have to try them!
Hello Steve,
I appreciate you stopping by. Anyone who have the intention to lose weight can follow all these tips. Try the recipes and let me know what do you think about them.
Diana, these tips are useful for me , a person who has tried many different ways to lose weight. I have improved but there is still a way to go. Of all your tips I find the mind treatment to pop out at me the most. In order to get the pounds off I had to keep reminding myself of my intention and the long term reason for what i was doing. These affirmations are just great and I have made a note of them. Thank you
Hello JJ,
Thanks for your time in reading the article. If we control our mind and give it that reminder of what we want to accomplish we will make it a reality. You can make also use of the video from the article to listen it to the night.
I love everything about your article down to the website layout . So much detail and information. I am not a smoker but I do know of a few people that have quit smoking gained weight then started smoking again. This article is truly and good thing to show them for some ideas and inspiration.
Hello Isabel,
Thanks for taking the time to read this article and for the related appreciation. I am glad that you consider it useful in information.
Hello there, thanks for sharing this awesome article on losing weight I know it would be of great help to the public as it has been of help to me….i have been using the water system and I must tell you it really worked for me as in weeks i lost a good amount of pound and when i coupled it with exercises it was excellent..i would definitely share this article…
Hello David,
Thank you for sharing your experience. I appreciate it, and the readers as well will do, because the system Indeed works.
Thank you for sharing this informative article about The Best Ways To Lose Weight Fast After Quitting Smoking. I did not know that quitting smoking can generate weight gain and even after quitting because smoking acts as an appetite suppressant it speeds up the metabolism which helps the calories burn much faster. But after quitting the metabolism rate slows down and leads to weight gain. Now it all make sense as l have a friend that stopped smoking and turn into food instead. Now his weight is twice of what he was before he stopped smoking. l will definitely share your article with him. It will help him to change his weight.Great post.
Wishing you all the best!
Hello Fiona,
I am glad to see you here. Thank you for stopping by and for your appreciation. I would like you to keep me informed about your friend’s changes after he will try these steps. It will be a very good landmark for others readers.
Its quite an intriguing write up as it helps to overcome what one feels he or she can do without and also helps to fight the difficulties encountered in becoming that which you so much desire to because….I believe following these laid down steps will help anyone achieve these goals in life.
Hello Evans,
Thank you for stopping by. You are far too general in your comment, but I can deduce its essence. It is true that these steps can be implemented in our lifestyle, as well as healthy habits, which are very important to achieve any goals. I think I understood your idea correctly.
Hi Diana, thank you so much for sharing such an informative article with us!
I think one thing we can all agree on is that having a strong, positive mindset could basically help us achieve anything in life, especially for those who want to establish a healthy lifestyle after quit smoking.
Good luck and keep up the good work:)
Hello Jonath,
Good to see you here. Thank you for stopping by and for appreciation. I could not be more agree with you. It is nice to find like-minded people.
I used to be a heavy smoker. I could finish a cowboy killer 1 pack in a day but I did not want to die young so I decided to quit cold turkey. Since I have an addicting personality and I tend to be obsessive as well, I turn to snacks every time I wanted to smoke. Guess what? I gained a lot of weight. Sine then, Losing weight is something that I have always been struggling with and I am sure that I am not alone. Thank you for sharing this information. Mind shift is an interesting method, I think I can incorporate that but I have to make it visible around me, I may need a lot of post-it. Thank you for sharing the healthy meal plan ideas, they all sound so good. Will give it a try.
Hello Nuttanee,
Good to see you back and thank you for sharing with us your story. The right MINDSET is the first step we need to take in any action we make; this is the foundation other steps will follow.
Your mind needs to resonate with your goal, if not it is like DREAMING success but thinking failure. To do that, you can create a board vision, and keep it in the most used part of your house, or use positive affirmation on your phone, set them as an alarm at every hour, for example. You can use any method that suits you best.
And to don’t forget, let me know how it goes the meal plan for you.
Hi Diana,
I just read your article on how to lose weight after quitting smoking. I liked the part about mindful eating. I have a few family members that are grossly overweight, and they are all emotional eaters. Whenever they feel depressed, they turn to food as ‘the friend that never lets them down’.
I have a background in nutrition, and was wondering what you thought about hunger cues. I was told to eat without distractions like TV, so that when you feel satisfied, you won’t miss the signal from your body to stop eating.
Do you think that’s a good guideline to follow?
Hi Michael,
Thank you for stopping by and sharing with us. In my article, I said that is very important to eat mindful without distractions. Because like this, you will know how much your body needs to eat. How often do we get to watch Tv, or our phone, and to eat more than our stomach ask? This is because we are not present in that moment. We eat automatically.
Regarding your family members, I can say that the ideal solution would be to get out of boredom. When they engage in an action that will appeal to them, and make them involved mentally and physically, they will surely forget about emotional issues and unwanted hunger.
Very interesting and educativ post. In this world of today many people adapt to smoking as a lifestyle and quite often gets addicted to it. Many of us did not even know that after quitting smoking, there still some danger implications to the body. Your post has insightfully explained these points. For instance most smokers generating weight gain, even after quitting because smoking acts as an appetite suppressant, it speeds up the metabolism which helps the calories burn much faster. But after quiting the metabolism rate slows down and leads to weight gain is a very point for all of us to know. Thanks for sharing.
Hi there,
Thank you very much for your appreciation. I am glad that you have considered the information related in the article. You are more than welcome to return on my websites for new updates.