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How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes? – Train Your Mind!

Dear cigarettes, you have always been there for me, but you are not the right for me anymore. I cannot keep going back and forth with you. I have decided it is time for me to move on and be smoke-free again.

 If you are in the stage of the declaration where you quit smoking, then you need to be proud of yourself. Congratulations! You made a wise decision, not just for your health but also for the good of loved ones.

It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.
– Tony Robbinson –

In this article, I will present the benefits of quitting smoking, the two main methods, and a few tips to ease your efforts.


When you smoke, the toxins from the cigarettes enter your body, especially in your lungs, with every inhalation you make. Being in your body, these toxins are transported by your blood to every organ, affecting their proper functioning.

When you quit smoking, your body has the power to recover and treat itself about 30 minutes after the last cigarette.

 Let’s see the 12 BENEFITS that your body will experience after you quit smoking:

1. It improves the immunity.

2. It improves lung function, and breathing is much easier.

3. Reduces cough and phlegm.

4. Quitting smoking will help you to regain the intensity of the smell and taste sense.

5. The appearance of your skin improves and becomes brighter; The color is no longer faded, and the wrinkles will no longer be accentuated.

6. The yellow color of your teeth, nails, and fingers will disappear.

7. It will increase physical performance so that climbing the stairs or walking will no longer be tiring.

8. You will be able to save a considerable amount of money.

9. You will feel the freedom not to be in the fog anymore. You regain concentration, and you are more active and creative.

10. The carbon monoxide in the blood returns to normal, and the oxygen in the body improves.

11. The blood pressure drops and heart attacks disappear.

12. It reduces the risk of cancer of the lungs, mouth, kidneys, esophagus and pancreas.

How can you stop the addiction? To quit smoking cigarettes means to take control of the changes you need to make in your life.

You can fight with it on your own, but if you are not strong enough to go through the process alone, I recommend you seek professional help to guide and motivate you in a program to follow. 

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
– Mark Twain –



It is a direct method that requires training your mind and having strong willpower, especially if you are a longtime smoker.

This method is representative of eliminating nicotine full stop, which means that from the moment you decide to quit smoking, you will not have any cigarettes at all.

The cold turkey method is intense, but the chances of quitting smoking for good are much higher.

Just a few people prefer to face intense withdrawal symptoms for a short period, choosing this method.

Quitting suddenly is not for anyone. As I said, the symptoms are intense, but the health improves faster.


1. Set a date when you want to quit. Try a non-busy day from your schedule.

2. Create a list of your reasons for quitting. Keep you motivated.

3. Tell everyone your intention to quit family members, friends, and colleagues.

4. Create a quit smoking plan.

5. Anticipate and get ready for withdrawal symptoms and cigarette cravings.

6. Remove from your environment (house, work, car) the temptations (cigarettes, lighters, ashtrays, matches) that can trigger the desire to smoke.

7. Avoid the triggers.

8. Talk with a medical professional about your intention; he can prescribe medicine or recommend patches, nicotine gum, etc.

9. Join a quit-smoking group.


Most people prefer the Progressive Method.

By gradually quitting smoking, the symptoms are not as amplified as in the first method, but you must confront them for a period.

This process takes place within 21 days (three weeks).

After that, it is assumed that the smoker no longer needs to smoke.

But there are exceptions. The process will become longer if the desire to quit and willpower to overcome are not strong enough.

I recommend reducing the consumption of cigarettes by approximately 30% in the first week.

For example, if you usually smoke ten cigarettes a day, reduce them to seven. If you smoke five, reduce it to three and a half. Do yourself a favor and do not smoke another half left.

In the second week, you must have 1/2 the number of cigarettes you smoked in the first week.

In the third week, it is assumed that the number of cigarettes should be reduced to zero.

Throughout this process, I recommend you keep a daily record that makes it easier to observe your weekly progress.


1. Tell everyone that you have decided to quit smoking.

2. Change the cigarette brand to a much lower quality brand. You do not like it and perceive it as something strange.

3. When you have the desire to smoke, do not do it at that moment. Wait at least five minutes in the first week and ten minutes in the second week before to smoke.

4. Avoid the first cigarette in the morning, at least thirty minutes from the usual time.

5. After the meal, wait ten minutes before smoking in the first week and fifteen minutes in the second week. In the third week, stand up from the table without smoking.

6. If you are at home or out with your friends, do not leave the pack of cigarettes on the table at the sight. Its visual impact transmits to the brain the need to smoke.

7. You can determine certain hours when you allow yourself to smoke.

8. Consume a lot of water. It gives you energy and reduces your anxiety and your feeling of hunger.

9. Do not accept a cigarette if it is offered to you. Stay very stick to your program. You can explain that you have decided to quit progressively so the person does not give you the second time.

10. Never finish a cigarette.

11. By reducing the number of cigarettes, you will automatically reduce the expense of money. All the money you did not spend the day before put in the piglet. You will be surprised at the amount collected. It will be a strong motivation for you.


Regardless of the method you choose, be prepared. It will not be easy, but it will be worth the effort.

Start creating a quit plan to be prepared to confront the withdrawal symptoms and to know how to deal with the cravings. Being mentally prepared and getting all the support you need is essential.

Believe you can and you are halfway there
– Theodore Roosevelt –

I hope this article gave you the direction, motivation, new perspective, and strength you need to start your quit-smoking process.

Feel free to share in the comment below your opinion or your experience in becoming smoke-free in a short story.

Till next time…

Do Not Forget: Life Is Short, Make It Count!

Diana O. Debreczeni

Founder of Dare & Be.

Dare and Be Founder
Spread the Word to the World!

34 thoughts on “How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes? – Train Your Mind!”

  1. Smoking is an escape from reality, too few goals in life and inertness of man. I have been smoking for 15 years very much, uncontrollably. When my wife stayed pregnant, I pre-dated the same day and that lasted about 20 years. The reason is clear and sufficient. The second, perhaps just as strong, was that I felt cigarette and that ugly habit – was stronger than me! I get so angry when realize it but, it was my fault. I stopped smoking in the middle of the war in Bosnia, when people around me became addicted to the habit even more. I realized that uncivilized habits are self-destructive for a person or his environment! Anyone who cannot leave this unhealthy habit is a weakling, does not control his body and mind is then less valuable than plants! We have the awareness to think not to vegetate. In my family and my wife too, nobody smoke. Reg

    1. Hi Goran,

      Thank you for your time in reading this article. Congratulation in becoming and staying smoke free. You made a big step. Thank you for sharing your story.

      The first step in this process is to have very strong reasons, willpower and to know to control the mind. Which can be not so easy.

      But everybody can kick the addiction, if really want that!

  2. I really appreciate this article. Thank you so much Diana for sharing it with us.
    I hope your post will help my husband to quit smoking. I am very worried about him smoking. It’s been a long time since he’s suffering from cough. Worryingly, other members of the family are also suffering from health problems due to smoking.They have been trying for a long time, but they could not quit. I will share your post with them.  

    I hope they will take your advice, and they will stop smoking. I think smoking causes a lot of harm to human health, smoking increases the risk of cancer. So everyone should be aware.

    1. Hi Tasmania, thank you very much for your appreciation.

      You need to consider that through my articles, I provide just a procent from the complex process in quitting smoking. I offer solid informations and tips, but the hard work need to be done by the smoker.

  3. Hello, I really want to first appreciate your effort in putting this great website together and writing this article. even if in some areas of the world smoking is advised because of the conditions of the weather, some people really do abuse smoking and it is not a good thing. your article is helpful

    1. Hi Benny, welcome back.

      To be honest, I never heard smoking to be advised of the conditions of the weather. It totally surprises me.


      Thank you for stopping by.

  4. Wow! Thank you for sharing these benefits of quitting smoking which I find very helpful to me. Before now, I usually noticed that my taste buds isn’t what it use to be, I never knew smoking was the cause of it. Though it’s hard for me to stop but I think I just have to stop because indeed life is short.

    1. Hi,It is good to see you here. Thank you for your appreciation.

      Smoking is the cause of several factors that affect our health and body. The moment we give up smoking we actually begin to notice the changes.

  5. Hello ,thanks for this awesome article. It will be of great help to the public, as it has been of help to me. I must say smoking has really been a rampant thing and many person involved in it. The three quotes you used in this article were astonishing and I read them twice each- very powerful. I would recommend the cold turkey method as it brings more benefits to the user.Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you very much, Parveen, for stopping by. I appreciate your consideration.

      The cold turkey was the method with which I became smoke free.

  6. Exceptional, I found myself totally absorbed by your site. The first page I was introduced to was about smoking. Although I do not smoke and have no desire to do so, I still found myself caught up in its content. I like this quote, “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily”. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” John C. Maxwell. This cannot be truer in any part of our lives that we need to change, for better or for worse. Diana, the triggers you point out here can be applied to any vice a person may be afflicted with. Social, emotional, even physical triggers—-live in pain (trigger) relieve the pain via a vice. They are all temporary ways to relive an uncomfortable feeling behind us for just a wee bit of time. I feel like I know you through your site, and frankly your site is so groovy that I really do not know what I can say to improve it. It is eye-appealing, it is worded nicely. I like your style, your architectural design of your site. I like your colors—-they fit in well with each topic or post. I just plain love your style, girl. You come across as being a techie person—yes. I read your history. You are so resourceful. I love how you hung in there for your son. God bless you. You are so special. I was a single mother, too. I raised 2 daughters, after we were abandoned by my husband. I think he just got scared of the whole family-like atmosphere. I think he was worn out by worry and ran—poor excuse to run, but life was tough for him at that time. I am an Italian with some English in me, also. My Grandfather actually knew Al Capone personally, and Al offered my grandfather work. My grandfather told him that he was very honored and grateful, but he liked what he was already doing as an Enoteca.I currently fought and won a major battle with deadly stage IV pancreatic cancer. Over a year and a half ago, I was told I only had 3 to possibly 5 months to live, but I am a very ornery woman. There are too many people to annoy, lol, (love really) and frustrate to shuffle off this planet just yet. Diana, I certainly wish you well in your endeavors.

    Lots of Love,

    Audrey J.

    1. Hello Audrey,

      I cannot be more grateful for your heart melt words. I cannot thank you enough for this. Your message touched my heart. 

      I am glad that you are smoke free (regarding to my article), but especially that you won the hardest battle of your life: that Cancer.

      You are my hero, my dear friend.❤

      You are a very strong person, an inspiration for all of us, with a sense of humor, stubborn to fight with the illness, and to win. 

      This is the most impressive accomplishment!

      So, who says, that quitting smoking is hard, then they should think how they could fight the real strong battles.

      God Bless you, Audrey!

      With love, 

  7. Thanks a lot for such an amazing article, and for all the useful explanations.

    It is very unhealthy to smoke for those around us,  and we should get rid of this vice. Smoking can lead to so many diseases. I have searched many articles on how to quit smoking, but this is the best I have found.

    Thanks again and wish you all the best.

    1. Hi Razvan,

      I appreciate a lot your kind words, and I am happy to see that you consider my article very useful. Thank you very much for stopping by.

      All the best for you, too.



  8. Thank you so much for sharing with us such a beautiful article. I’m glad I found it. I also read your previous articles. Many of us smoke cigarettes because of the habit or tensions. But cigarettes are harmful to our bodies. After reading your article, I know this will help many of us.Thanks for sharing your advice. I will definitely share it with my friends. My best wishes to be always with you.

    1. Hi Sabrina, 

      Thank you for coming back on my website. I appreciate it!

      It is my pleasure to share with my readers my knowledge. I am happy that you are one of them.

      Best wishes for you, too.



  9. Once you get up to a certain point of dependency, this is one of the worst things to overcome. The benefits are not questionable. The abstinence period is the hardest thing to overcome. 

    The cold turkey quit technique didn’t work for me, but 8 out of 10 people I know that used to be smokers and don’t do that anymore have done it that way, generally by linking the need of quitting with some emotional experience (A friend of mine did it, just after finding his son trying to light one up; and right after asking him “Why are you doing that”; the 6 years old child replayed to hum: “Why do you do it?”.

    Setting a list of your personal reason is what I consider the most important thing. You’ll need a lot of strength, so this process is one very personal and you’ll need to have clear reasons to persevere and get it done!

    1. Hello again, Juan,

      Pleasure to see you back on my website. Thank you for sharing with us, yours, and your friend experience.

      As parents, always we will be an exemplum for our children, good or bad. Especially our actions will influence a lot of their habits.

      Fortunately, mine did not copy my bad habit when I had it. I hope he will never will.

      It is true. The power of quitting smoking reasons will give us the strength and motivation to overcome the personal fight.

      Kind regards,


  10. Hello Diana. Smoking is bad and not good for health. I know so many persons that smoke; even some of my family members and friends smoke, and I don’t really like it. I love the two Methods you have shared to quit smoking, and the second Method looks easier to follow. I wish I could help my friends quit smoking.

    I believe this post will help many to quit smoking, and live a  better and healthy life.


    1. Hi MrBiizy,

      Thank you for stopping by. I appreciate your opinion, and I could not agree more with you.

      The smoke smell of the cigarettes can be very disturbing, especially for non-smokers. I am glad you are one of them.

      Thank you for your beliefs. You can help your friends and family members, sharing with them the tips from the article.

      Best regards,


  11. Hey Diana!

    I must say that i love your site and the connect you got going in, its very engaging!

    Also, I am very happy to see content about this, as I know people personally who are trying to quit smoking cigarettes (my mom being one of them).

    You and I seem to be on the same page about telling them to train their minds, because as the old saying goes “As above, so below.”

    Quick question – how do you feel about hemp cigarettes for people who are just starting out to quit smoking regular tobacco cigarettes?

    I understand that this may be a bit of an odd question, because the ultimate goal you’re going for is to get people to quit smoking altogether, but would you recommend it as a stepping stone?

    For instance, I try to eat mostly a vegan diet, but I do have some eggs and some dairy here and there. Personally, I had sheer willpower to go cold turkey and haven’t had meat in almost 7 years, but for anyone just starting out to become vegetarian, it would be smart of them to use meat substitutes which are becoming much more popular nowadays.

    I hope this makes sense!

    Best Regards,


    1. Hi Joshua,

      I am glad you appreciate my website and the connection with my readers through my articles. Thank you for that.

      To answer to your question, personally I am against cannabis, marijuana and many other drugs. I am not talking about medical prescription use.

      I know the people says that hemp can help to quit cigarettes, but in my opinion, will not help you at all. What is doing is to get you stoned and you will get short in  breath. 

      I am trying through my article to advise how to overcome the addiction and not to replace it with another.☺ Are different nicotine replacement therapy (I will post an article about this topic) as patches, lozenges, nicotine gum, and as well alternative therapy as acupuncture, hypnosis.

      For sure, a medical professional will give you the right advice and information.

      As a meat substitute you can try soy meat.

      My best regards,


  12. I wish my father would have listened to advice that you have provided in your post. Quitting smoking is so difficult for so many people, I think was one of the most difficult things my father did in his life. He started smoking when he was 15 and tried quitting several times as an adult but failed and finally he was successful at 55 but it was really too late. He tried both methods you  discuss in your post but it was a combination and a real desire to quit that made his last effort successful. The health problems had already set in especially the stunted lungs and emphysema. He has suffered greatly the last 20 years and he will until he dies. Quit smoking as soon as possible!!

    1. Hello Lee,

      I am glad to see you here. 

      One of the major problems in our days is that smoking became a very powerful addiction; Which in most cases starts at a very young age.

      I am sorry to hear about your father; I know it is very hard for you. But your father is one of the cases, which decided to quit, when in reality it was too late.

      My second attempt to quit (as I wrote in a preview article), was when my health was under an alarm signal. My luck was, that I became a Yoga Instructor, and I recovered my health, and now I kept it under control.

      I wish you all the best in your life and think that the story of your father will keep you always smoke free.

      Kind regards,


  13. Hi, Diana.
    Thanks for sharing your views on quitting cigarettes. You touched a very sensitive point and as truly described, we need to train our mind for this big challenge. The three quotes you used in this article were astonishing and I read them twice each- very powerful. I would recommend the cold turkey method as it brings more benefits to the user. The last cigarette I had was before eleven years and can sense how it elevates life after quitting it.
    Warm Regards,
    Gaurav Gaur

    1. Hi Gaur, 

      Thank you for your time and for your appreciation. 

      I must congratulate you for staying smoke free for so long. 

      It is indeed a very sensitive point, considering that once we start smoking, affect and influence all the aspects in our lives. The cold turkey method was also my option when I quit smoking.

      I am glad you liked the quotes. In my articles, always I am trying to use powerful and motivational quotes to give the boost to my readers.

      Kind regards,

  14. Hello Diana, I must say that this article is very helpful and informative. I want to quit smoking but I found it very difficult. Until going to the doctor I would like to try the Cold Turkey method and see how it will work. You shared some pretty useful tips and advice, I hope it will help me.

    1. Hi Danijel,

      Thank you for your appreciation. Those tips are very simple, but for the mind, are very powerful. The same tips I advise my clients to follow through their therapies.

      If you will read all the articles which I wrote related to the cigarette quitting smoking (brain associations, to know your triggers, to overcome cravings symptoms), and you will apply the advices and the tips in your daily life, I am sure you will be strong enough to overcome the addiction. 

      Of course the meditation, breathing techniques, yoga are very powerful 
      tools as well.

  15. Fortunately for me, I was a light smoker and I don’t have that urge for one in the morning or sitting in the toilet. So it was more easier for me to completely abandoned it. I have not smoke in almost 10 years now. The main reason that got me to completely drop it was the birth of my first child. I was using the progressive method. Anyways, that’s a great post. Hope more people read it and start living healthy.

    1. Hi Michael,  

      Congratulation for your accomplishment. I am glad to hear that. It is much easier to quit smoking when you are an occasional smoker. 

      In all most of the cases, family plays a main role in taking the right decision. This was my case in the first place.

      Thank you for stopping by and for sharing your story. I appreciate it!

      For a healthy living,

  16. Hello there,thanks for this awesome article. It will be of great help to the public, as it has been of help to me. I must say smoking has really been a rampant thing and many person involved in it, they found that they have to come out of the addition of smoking. But all their efforts have failed. I think this one is the right steps to take: to quit smoking.

    1. Hi Feji Ben, 

      Unfortunately, smoking cigarettes has become a Mondial issue, which is a little out of the control. So, in this case,  if every each individual become aware of the negative things which brings to their lives, and then decide to quit smoking, the smokers rate will be much lower.

      Is not easy, but is a personal fight.

  17. You are absolutely right that life is short and make it last. I have been smoking on and off for 15 years now. But these past 5 years I only smoke when I am out socially (which is still bad) but the next day I just don’t go back to smoking. This year I have been good. (it is still early lol) 

    I think cold turkey method works for me, it was hard at first but I made myself busy focusing on work or cleaning my place. The most important is that I tell all my friends that I am quitting cigarette so it would be amazing if they can just do not smoke in front of me or offer it to me to get my temptation going. It is not that hard to quit. I think it is just a mind game. 🙂

    Good luck! 

    1. Hi Nuttanee,

      Thank you for stopping by.

      In every each action we take, the mind plays a main role. Especially for removing bad habits; in this case smoking addiction.

      For the mind is difficult to eliminate from it specter the negative habits, that is why, we need to replace every each bad one, with a new good one.

      The mind cannot accept the hole, so we need to refill that elimination.

      I am glad that you consider becoming smoke free for good. You need to be aware that the triggers are everywhere, and as I said, you need to train your mind and to take control over it

      This is your game. I am sure you can win it!

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