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7 Practical Techniques For Dealing With Toxic People

In today’s society, interactions with toxic people are almost impossible to avoid. However, learning how to deal with them effectively is essential to improve our mental and emotional well-being. This article will explore seven practical techniques to help you navigate challenging situations with toxic individuals.

7 Practical Techniques


Whether it is a coworker, family member, or friend, we have all encountered individuals who seem to bring negativity and drama into our lives.

Their impact on us can be significant. It is not just a matter of feeling stressed or annoyed in their presence; it also causes us to question our self-worth and abilities, damages our mental health, and even leads to physical health problems.

Negative interactions with toxic people can trigger anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. Also, they lead to physical symptoms like high blood pressure or chronic pain.


Learning how to deal with toxic people can be significant. If left unchecked, toxic individuals can harm our overall health.

We can take control of our interactions and prevent them from causing long-term harm by learning effective techniques.

They can help us build stronger relationships with others, improve our communication skills, and boost our self-confidence.



Have you ever been ticked off by a toxic person’s actions or words?

You know, that feeling when your adrenaline starts to flow, your heart starts racing, your face gets all red, and your head starts pounding?

It is like you are holding your breath, and it is tough to chill out in that state.

But, the blow-the-tension technique can help you get oxygen in a controlled way and help your body return to a balanced state and function properly.

  • Breathe deep through your nostrils until you count to four while thinking about the person who upset or made you angry.
  • Hold your breath until you count to two while thinking about that person.
  • Next, exhale as hard as you can through your mouth while visualizing that you are expelling that person from your system. Do this until you have completely emptied your lungs of air.
  • Stop and do not breathe for two seconds.
  • After, take a big breath through your nostrils and exhale through your mouth calmly.
  • You can repeat the previous steps until you feel you have expelled your anger toward that person.

This technique not only helps you release the tension and calm down, but it can also help you think before reacting, which can prevent you from saying something you will regret.

It can even help you feel more composed when you start speaking by controlling the rhythm of your words so you do not talk too fast or stumble.

So, whenever you feel provoked by a toxic person, try this technique to blow up all your tension and frustrations.

7 practical techniques- the humor technique


Releasing tension and using humor to defuse a potentially toxic situation sometimes go hand in hand.

It may not always be appropriate, but it can effectively disperse negative situations and foster positive interactions when used in the correct context.

Have you ever had a case where you came up with a great response to a mean comment, but it was already too late?

Or maybe, in your head, you have replayed a situation and wished you had said something different.

It is not uncommon for people to think of clever comebacks long after the moment has passed. However, using The Humor-Based Technique can help you quickly respond and make yourself laugh.

Think of saying something funny while you do the Blow-The-Tension Technique. It does not have to be the most clever thing for toxic people as long as it makes you chuckle.

Goof on them, play with their mind, and amuse yourself while you are doing it. This technique will help you boost your self-esteem and impress others with your wit.

Now, I do not recommend using sarcastic or mean humor, but in some cases, you may need to fight back against someone toxic toward you.

Below, I leave you some amusing comebacks that you can use in an appropriate context:

  • Don’t you ever get tired of having yourself around?
  • You are a little hard to digest. I don’t know how I don’t choke.
  • How poisonous you are, be careful not to bite yourself.
  • I don’t know what I would do without your criticism.
  • I never forget a face, yet I will make an effort with you.
  • As long as you keep talking, I know you are not thinking.
  • As I see, you have a low class.

Using these comebacks as a response could shock the interlocutor but definitively show them how silly their behavior is.

So, next time you feel stressed or angry because of a toxic situation, try using the humor-based technique to lighten your mood and have a laugh!


The Mirror Technique is a non-confrontational and gentle approach to help toxic people understand the impact of their behavior on others.

Sometimes, they need to see themselves from another person’s perspective to know how they are being disagreeable.

Instead of getting angry or confronting them, you reflect on their actions and words, creating a mirror image of their behavior so they can see themselves as others see them.

This reflection can be an eye-opening experience that helps individuals become more self-aware and recognize how their behavior negatively affects others.

Here are a few examples of how you can use The Mirror Technique with toxic people:

  • Acknowledge their feelings: If a toxic person is aggressive or confrontational, try reflecting their emotions to them. For example, you might say, “I can see that you are feeling angry right now.” This can help them feel heard and validated and may defuse the situation.
  • Clarify their statements: Sometimes, toxic people may make confusing or contradictory statements, so you can use The Mirror Technique to clarify what they are saying. For example, you might say, “So, if I understand you correctly, you are saying you are upset because you feel like I am not listening to you?”
  • Repeat their words: If a toxic person is being accusatory or blaming, you can use The Mirror Technique to repeat their words back to them. For example, you might say, “So, you are saying it is all my fault?” This can help to bring attention to their behavior and encourage them to take responsibility for their actions.
  • Use Assertive communication: Convey your message clearly and firmly while respecting them by adopting a firm tone of voice to express your boundaries or a calm and neutral one when repeating their words. This can help keep the conversation clear and on track and prevent it from escalating into a heated argument by promoting positive interaction.

Remember, The Mirror Technique is all about reflecting on the other person’s words or behavior in a way that helps them see their actions more clearly, not about mirroring their negative behavior.


The Closed Questioning Technique is like being a lawyer in a courtroom, asking yes or no questions to make your point.

The idea is to calmly lead the person through a logical progression of questions that help them see how ridiculous their ideas or comments might be.

With this technique, you must stay in control and not let your emotions take over. You want to guide the person through the questions in a way that helps them explore their feelings and think about the implications of what they are saying.

If you do it well, you can change their way of thinking by presenting another viewpoint based on the questions they have to answer. By working out answers together, the person becomes an active part of the communication process.

The Closed Questioning Technique is effective because it helps you learn more about a person or situation or tells the real story.

7 practical techniques - the confrontation


Sometimes, when people say a nasty or biting comment to us, it can be hard to give a funny or clever response. That is when the Confrontation Technique comes in handy!

It is all about boldly telling the person how you feel about what they said or did. Using this technique shows others you have enough self-respect not to be a victim.

When confronting them, project your voice and speak with a modulated pitch, tone, or volume to show that you are confident in what you are saying.

The Confrontation Technique is a great way to let others know that you are onto their games and would not let them sneakily stab you in the back. They have to confront you directly if they want to mess with you! So don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and speak your truth.


Toxic people can be a drag, but did you know their behavior is often rooted in low self-esteem and insecurity?

They may have been hurt in the past or not received enough love. So, what is the best way to deal with them? Believe it or not, it is through understanding, love, and kindness.

I know it is hard to be nice to someone rude, especially when your first instinct might be to back off or give them a taste of their own medicine.

No matter how nasty the person is to you, stay cool, calm, and collected. Speak in a friendly, soothing tone and keep a smile on your face.

Even if it is not easy, remember that the toxic person is probably in pain and needs love and kindness more than anything.

Even though it is hard to believe, this technique works wonders. You might see the person’s tone soften, their body language relax, and they might even start saying nice things back to you.

It is all about showing them you are on their side and that you are not the enemy. So, next time you encounter a toxic person, try giving them a little pat on the back instead of a kick in the pants. You might be surprised at the results!


Sometimes, you may encounter people who are too toxic to handle, no matter what you try. When that happens, it is time to use the Unlinked Technique.

This technique is reserved for those who are seriously toxic. With whom you have tried everything else, but nothing seems to work.

Visualize yourself becoming unlinked from them. Let go of all your emotions, good or bad, towards them. Just release them from your life and don’t look back.

You don’t wish them hell or well. You just let them go and move on.

The Unlinked Technique does not necessarily mean that you dislike the person. It may be because you care for them that you need to disconnect.

It is like tough love, where you set boundaries and allow them to handle their situation. This way, you don’t become codependent on their toxic behavior.

Remember, toxic people can drain your energy and make you miserable. So, it is okay to let them go and focus on yourself. Using the Unlinked Technique, you can protect yourself from their negative influence and move on to a healthier and happier spot in your life.


Dealing with toxic people can be challenging, but employing the seven practical techniques can help you handle the situations more smoothly.

Try the Blow-the-Tension Technique to defuse the tension and frustrations. When you want to maintain a positive outlook, consider using the Humor-Based Technique.

The Mirror Technique can help toxic individuals see the impact of their behavior, and the Closed Questioning Technique can help you gain control of the conversation.

The Confrontation Technique helps you address issues head-on, while the Kindness Technique shows compassion and empathy.

Finally, use the Unlinked Technique to detach from toxic individuals and their behavior.

It is essential to remember that different situations require different techniques. What works with one toxic typology may not work with another.

In this case, you must be flexible and willing to adjust your approach to find what works best for each situation.


What is a Toxic Person – Identify 9 Typologies and Cope with Their Toxicity


Have you ever dealt with a toxic person?

Did you use any of the techniques we discussed?

I would love to hear about your experiences and how you handled them. Leave a comment below and share your insights. Your feedback could be a game-changer for someone who deals with a toxic situation.

Till next time…

Toxic people are like a stormy sea, but you can weather any storm with a strong anchor.

Diana O. Debreczeni

Founder of Dare & Be.

Spread the Word to the World!

8 thoughts on “7 Practical Techniques For Dealing With Toxic People”

  1. These are some great methods for dealing with toxic people. Unfortunately, there seems to be more toxic people today than at any point in my life. I have found that the deep breath combined with not taking anything personally has been very effective for me. The mirroring technique is great as well allowing the person to almost believe you are agreeing with them when really all you are doing, in my opinion, is stalling for time as you work to end the conversation amicably. Great article. Brian

    1. Hi Brian,

      Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, you feel like there are more toxic people today than ever before, but that’s understandable. Instead, I’m glad to hear that you’ve found the technique of deep breathing and not taking things personally helpful in dealing with toxic people. The mirroring technique can really provide a way to navigate difficult conversations and maintain a sense of peace. I appreciate your positive feedback on the article and hope the techniques in it continue to help you manage toxic interactions effectively.

  2. In my opinion, dealing with toxic people can be a challenging task that requires us to be mentally, emotionally, and physically strong. Based on my experience, keeping a safe distance from such individuals is crucial to safeguarding our well-being. However, it’s not always possible to avoid them entirely, especially if they are family members or colleagues. Therefore, learning practical techniques to manage their negative behaviour is essential. My question would be: What are some effective strategies for setting boundaries with toxic people without being confrontational or aggressive? Your feedback will be appreciated

    1. Hi Denis,

      Thank you very much for your feedback and the great question. You can set boundaries with toxic people without being confrontational or aggressive by using calm and assertive communication. Use “I” statements to express your feelings and needs without attacking or blaming the other person. For example, say, “I feel overwhelmed when you constantly criticize me” instead of “You always criticize me.”

      Be clear and specific when you relate behaviors or actions that are crossing your boundaries, using examples to help the other person understand what you find unacceptable. In this way, you ensure your message is understood.

      Also, try to tap into your empathy and understand the toxic person’s perspective. This doesn’t mean you accept the behavior, but it can help calm the tension and make your boundaries more identifiable.

      Once you set your boundaries, stick to them consistently. Toxic people may try to push your boundaries but, remaining firm, you send a clear message that you are serious about them.

      I hope I have answered your question, and if you need other answers or clarifications, feel free to address them.

  3. Love your blow-the-tension technique. Not only is this great to use on toxic people, but anyone who annoys you in some way, and I am sure we all have those days when everyone irritates us. It is funny how breathing, which is the most natural thing in the world, is used so often for releasing tension, meditation, and even yoga practices. Most of us are very shallow breathers so using this technique will also help for relaxing and helping you to be mindful.

    1. Hi Michel,

      It is good to see you back. Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m glad you appreciate the blow-the-tension technique. You’re absolutely right that it can be helpful not only with toxic people but also in dealing with anyone who might annoy us from time to time. It’s fascinating how something as simple and natural as breathing can have such a powerful impact on releasing tension and promoting relaxation. And you’re spot on about how shallow breathing is common for many of us, making this technique even more valuable for cultivating mindfulness. I truly appreciate your thoughtful insights!

  4. Great job on this article about dealing with toxic people, Dare and Be! Your practical techniques are extremely helpful and easy to understand. It’s so important to have these tools in our personal and professional lives to protect our mental health and maintain positive relationships.

    I especially appreciate your emphasis on setting boundaries and taking responsibility for our own reactions. It can be challenging to navigate difficult personalities, but your tips provide a clear roadmap for doing so with grace and effectiveness.

    Thanks for sharing your wisdom and insights with us. I look forward to implementing these techniques in my own life and sharing them with others.

    1. Hello Eric,

      Thank you for your support and enthusiasm. It’s truly appreciated! I’m glad you found the article useful and easy to understand, that the practical techniques resonated with you, and that you recognize their importance in protecting our mental health and developing positive relationships, both personally and professionally.

      Stay tuned to our updates and feel free to bring up discussion topics that interest you.

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